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DNA Interest Group Facebook Request

As part of our ongoing strategy for supporting the emergence of DNA testing as an essential part of family history research, the Hobart Branch has developed a range of introductory seminars.  These have been offered to date for a small fee to non-members but free of charge to financial members.  Feedback was extremely positive but many noted that, because they were packed with information, viewing just once was not enough.

In order to make the seminars more widely available and at times that suit our members we have commenced making them available on-line.  In this way members are able to view and review them at their convenience.  Seminars are accessible through our DNA Interest Group Facebook, access to which is limited to financial members.

The DNA Interest Group Facebook is also used to support members of the DNA Interest Group by providing timely updates and a download facility for other files and utilities.  All financial members of the Hobart Branch are invited to join the Group.

Note that it is necessary to be a Facebook member first.  Advice on how to join Facebook but remain anonymous is provided here.   

To join the Group either follow this link or go to Facebook and search Groups for “TFHS Hobart DNA Interest Group” and press “Join Group".  You will be asked a couple of simple questions and we will then be able to add you.

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Site last updated July 2024