Tasmanian Family History Society Inc. Hobart Branch

News - November 2019

Editor: Judith Crossen

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Tues 19 November - 7.30pm General Meeting

VENUE: Old Sunday School Hall, St John's Park

GUEST SPEAKER: Eddy Steenbergen

TOPIC: The story of underground public toilets in Hobart

For about 40 years (1920-1960) Hobart men (women stayed on the surface!) went underground for relief. Three conveniences were scattered about the CBD. Hear a little about their construction, usage and decommissioning, and maybe share stories you may have.


Christmas bells

Our November 19 meeting is the final one for 2019.

Please bring a small plate of food to share over a chat and a cuppa afterwards.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Best wishes Louise

More for Your Diary

Sat 16 November - 10:30am TFHS Executive

Venue: Ross

Thu 21 November - 10.00am Branch Committee Meeting

VENUE: Branch Library, Bellerive

Thu 21 November - 1.30pm DNA Group Meeting

VENUE: Church Hall at St Marks Anglican Church, Bellerive

Thu 28 November - 2.00pm Library Committee Meeting

VENUE: Branch Library, Bellerive

Tue 21 January 2020 - 7:30pm - General Meeting


TOPIC: DNA - The next steps


TFHS Hobart Branch's last open day for 2019 is Saturday 14th December with the branch re-opening again on Tuesday 14th January 2020.

Thanks to our Librarian and all Library assistants who have given another wonderful year of assistance to our members and visitors.

Library Accessions October 2019


The following items were accessioned during the month of October.


Burch, N; AN IRON WILL - Mining at Beaconsfield, 1804-1877 [994.60 BUR]

Holmes, M; VANISHING TOWNS - Tasmania's ghost towns and settlements [994.6 HOL]

Hoban, M; AN UNCONVENTIONAL WIFE - The life of Julia Sorell Arnold [994.60 HOB]


* Mitchell, S; THE KIRKYARD OF TURIFF [929.3209412 MIT]

* Neal, Laura (Ed); 'IT DOESN'T SNOW LIKE IT USED TO' - Memories of Monaro and the Snowy Mountains [994.47 NEA]

* Numeralla and District Community History Group; "IN THOSE DAYS" - Numeralla - Countegany - Peak View and Surrounding Areas

* O'Brien, K; SHAKING THE FOUNDATIONS - The Fairbrother Story [994.47 NUM]

* Stone, C. & P. Tyson; OLD HOBART TOWN AND ENVIRONS, 1802-1855 [Q994.61 COL]

* Talbot, Diann; GRAVE RECOLLECTIONS - The History of the Bright Cemetery with some brief histories of our early pioneers [994.55 TAL]

* Vellacott, Helen (Ed.); A GIRL AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE - An English Girl's Reminiscences 'Below Stairs' in Colonial Australia [640.460924 STO]

Computer Disks

Australian History Research; HMS SIRIUS, HER FINAL VOYAGE

* Australian History Research; NORFOLK ISLAND DEATHS, 1st Settlement 1788-1814

* Denotes complimentary or donated item

New to the Branch Computer Resources

HISTORICAL RECORDS OF AUSTRALIA [edited by Frederick Watson]

Series I is Governors' despatches to and from England. 1788-1848 in 26 Volumes.

Series III is Despatches and papers relating to the settlement of the States in 6 Volumes.

Vol I, VIC 1803-1804 / TAS 1803-1812

Vol II, TAS 1812-1819

Vol III, TAS 1820

Vol IV, TAS 1821-1825

Vol V, TAS 1825-1827 / NT 1823-1827 / VIC 1826-1827

Vol VI, TAS 1827 / WA 1826-1830 / NT 1824-1829

Series IV is Legal papers. Section A, Volume I, 1786-1827 in 1 Volume only.

Newsletter - Your Contributions

Now that the Newsletter is distributed in a new format, there is no fixed length. With this in mind the Committee invites readers to contribute to the Newsletter. These contributions would not replace contributions to Tasmanian Ancestry (the editor is always keen to receive articles for publication), rather you could ask research questions; share your latest "finds" and successes; share photos; seek help with mystery photos; advertise events such as reunions and gatherings; and so on.

Submit your contributions to our Newsletter Editor (Judy Crossin).

From the Shadows Update for November

Can you help us reach our fundraising target? We need another $60,000, having raised $160,000 so far in sponsorships, grants and fundraising. All donations, no matter how small, will be gratefully received.


You can follow Rowan Gillespie's work in progress here.


To donate to this important project, please visit our website  or contact us by email or phone 0409 140 657.

CTHS 34th Annual Conference 30 November 2019

The 34th Annual Conference of the Centre for Tasmanian Historical Studies called "Keeping the Lamp of Enlightenment Burning: Education and Culture in Tasmanian and Australian History" will be held on Saturday 30 November 2019 in the Life Sciences Theatre, University of Tasmania from 8.30 am to 4 pm. This is the link to the PDF version detailing the event.

Full Registration is $50.00, $30.00 for CTHS Financial Members, Students, Unwages and Pensioners. If you wish to have lunch at the conference the cost is $25.00.

FCRC Seminar 2020: Sunday, 5th April - call for papers

Two hundred years ago, the Morley sailed from London to Hobart Town. This was the first time that convict women were sent to Van Diemen's Land directly from England. The convict women on the Morley arrived at a time before the Hobart Town Female Factory was established, raising the question of how they were managed. The Morley disembarked 50 of its cargo of 121 women; the reminder sailed to Sydney. This pattern of shared voyages continued for some time and it was not until the Providence in 1826 that a female convict ship disembarked its entire shipment of convict women in Hobart.

Our Seminar for 2020 will explore the experience of those convict women who came directly to Hobart Town and compare it with those who came via Sydney. Why was the system changed? What impact did it have on the lives of the convict women?

Would you like to give a 15-minute paper on any aspect of the experience of convict women in the early years? If you are interested, please contact Victoria Hadley at by 30th November 2019.

Registrations for the seminar will open early January. The venue will be the Hobart Town Hall.

Dianne Snowden (President) Female Convicts Research Centre Inc.

Eaglehawk Neck outing - Maureen O'Toole

A good number of Hobart members travelled to the Eaglehawk Neck hall on Sunday 29th September for a very enjoyable morning. The event was put together by members of the Eaglehawk Neck Association especially for our branch members. Beginning with a lovely morning tea, we were able to peruse the large collection of memorabilia and historical photographs relating to The Neck area before the presentation began.

Aided by his personal collection of about 70 photos, Terry Wilson spent an entertaining half hour showing us some of the historical settlements which once populated the Neck area and explaining the military settlement and some of the more interesting events occurring there over time.

After a short break, Keith Moon, from the Tasman Peninsula Historical Society, extended our visit by sharing with us his presentation on the history of Doo Town. Keith gave an interesting and amusing PowerPoint display which included images of several original shacks, bridges and rail tracks and explaining the progress of Ball's saw mill. There were plenty of images of the Penzance Motel which, we were told was the very first motel in Australia but had to be called a chalet because at that stage, no one knew what a motel was!

Several members of the Tasman Peninsula Historical Society also attended and were on hand to answer questions relating to the history of the Peninsula.

We completed the day with an informative guided tour of the Dog Line and Officer's Quarters led by Terry and Ted from the Association.

1642 Abel Tasman - Henry Van Zanden

Abel Tasman

Abel Tasman was one of the world's greatest explorers.

This book investigates Tasman's explorations of Tasmania, New Zealand, Tonga, Fiji, New Ireland, New Guinea and northern Australia. It also documents his entire life and career in the Dutch East India Company.

To understand the difficulties Tasman faced, the author followed part of Tasman's voyage in a boat in south-eastern Tasmania where he photographed the highest cliffs in the southern hemisphere. This is why Tasman only ventured ashore in the one location in Tasmania.

Australia Discovered is a series of books and media encompassing the European discoveries, shipwrecks and settlements of Australia before the First Settlement in 1788.