Tuesday 18 October - 7:30pm General Meeting
VENUE: Old Sunday School, St Johns Park Precinct
TOPIC: Convicts to Containers: looking at how Hobart's port has developed within and beyond Sullivans Cove over two centuries
Rex Cox, of Hobart, has been interested in ships and the port of Hobart for as long as he can remember, and this influenced his choice of career as a Customs Officer. The parental gift of a camera for his 13th birthday started a hobby of photographing and otherwise documenting port activity, which he still pursues.
Rex has written articles for Hobart's newspaper The Mercury, Australasian shipping magazine The Log and the UK publication Ships in Focus and has co-authored two editions of the CD based publication AUS-SHIPS.
He regularly gives illustrated talks about port history to local adult education and community groups. He is past president and Life Member of the Maritime Museum and an Associate Member of the Master Mariners Association.
Members and visitors are currently requested to wear masks for the safety of all when attending meetings of the TFHS Hobart Branch. Spare masks are available if you do not have one to hand.
Thu 20 Oct - 10.00am Branch Committee Meeting
VENUE: Library
Thu 20 Oct - As the usual meeting place is unavailable this month the next regular DNA meeting will be 17 November
Thu 27 Oct - 2pm Library Committee
VENUE: Library
Tue 15 Nov - 7:30 pm General Meeting
VENUE : Old Sunday School, St Johns Park Precinct
SPEAKER : Ruth Binny
TOPIC : The Story of JR Butler: First Fleeter
The following items were accessioned during the month of September 2022
* Denotes complimentary or donated item
* MacFie, Peter; See No Evil - A childhood mostly on The Glebe, Hobart; 1946-1953 [Q929.2 MACF]
A WYATT Family Reunion will occur at Sheffield, Tasmania on Saturday, 10 Dec 2022, and will include the rededication of William & Margaret Wyatt's grave and new headstone followed by lunch and a Wyatt Family history presentation at the Sheffield RSL & Citizens Club.
If your family name is Wyatt, Oliver, Bramich, Rockliff, Robertson, Jacobs, Rouse or Lamb and you are a descendant of William and Margaret Wyatt (Nee lnall) of Dunorlan and Sheffield, you are warmly invited to a WYATT family reunion. If you wish to register and receive additional information, please email your NAME, MOBILE and family connection Doug Wyatt at dmwyatt@bigpond.net.au.
1. Ernest, b Launceston, 11 Apr 1846, m Henrietta Gertrude Teston ,14 Nov 1877. d 16 Mar 1907.
2. Eliza Jane, b. Launceston, 22 Oct 1847, m Alexander Oliver, 5 July 1871, d 10 May 1945
3. William Newton, b. Oaks, 29 Mar, 1849, m Sarah Oliver, 28 June 1872, d 28 Oct 1931
4. Emily Ann, b. Westbury, 14 Apr 1851, m Joseph Bramich, 7 June 1871, d 23 Jul 1941
5. Henry James (Jimmy), b. Westbury, 19 Feb 1853, m Amelia Rookley, 10 Aug 1885, d 23 July 1941
6. Matilda Amy (Tilly), b. Westbury, 5 May 1855, m William Rockliff, 4 May 1887, d 17 Nov 1937.
7. Albert Edward, b. Westbury, 7 Apr 1857, m Adeline Eliza Spicer, 7 Jul 1883, d 27 Aug. 1923
8. Clara Isabella, b. Westbury, 17 Feb 1859, d 31 Mar 1860
9. Martha Clara, b. 29 Dec 1860, m Robert Robertson, 9 Mar 1880, d 24 Aug 1899
10. Terence Arthur (Kirk), b. 5 Dec 1861, m Clara Jane Coleman, 8 Nov 1897, d 12 April 1947
11. Ada Isabelle, b. Deloraine, 5 Dec 1863, m William Jacobs, 27 Jul 1889, d 18 Jun 1971
12. Cecelia Eva, b. Deloraine, 24 Nov 1864, m Robert Burton Rouse, 12 0ct, 1881, d 11 Jul 1948
13. Alfred Newton, b. Deloraine, 7 Nov 1867 d 19 Sept 1875
14. Lilly Mildred, b. Deloraine, 23 Sep 1874, m Edward Hutcheson Lamb, 30 Apr 1897, d 16 Jul 1966
This is an experimental interface to Tasmanian Post Office Directories from 1890 to 1948 which have been digitised and made available by Libraries Tasmania.
Just enter your query to search across all 48 volumes.
The images were extracted from the original PDF files. The OCRd text in the PDF files was of variable quality, so new text has been generated by re-OCRing all the images using Tesseract. While this works reasonably well, the reading order of the text is sometimes jumbled, with columns merging into each other. This means that the order of the lines in the text might not always match the image. This shouldn't, however, affect the search results.
Seniors Week is happening from the 17 - 23 October and especially in Bellerive. Come and see what we have on offer at the Bellerive Hub Open Day.
Wednesday 19 October 10.00am - 3.00pm. Five volunteer run Bellerive organisations are opening their doors and offering a unique hub experience within easy walking distance. Visit the Moorings Education and Research Centre at 2B Victoria Esplanade and enjoy a guided tour of the extensive display of Eastern Shore History. Do a short walk of the Bellerive Bluff area after picking up a free map at the Bellerive Historical Centre and view the activities at the Bellerive Community Arts Centre both at 17 Cambridge Road. Visit the wonderful collection in the Sound Museum (SPAT) and of course come and say hello to your friends at the Hobart Branch of TFHS. Why not bring a friend or two and make a day of it?
Ancestry tools for managing all those DNA matches and working out how you are related to them continue to grow and improve. A few months ago, Ancestry released Sideview which is a new technology based, not on matches, but on ethnicity estimates. It claims 95% accuracy for 90% of customers. It tells you which ethnic regions came from Parent 1 and which came from Parent 2, without the parents even being tested. Most of us have been able to work out which parent was a father, and which was the mother.
Ancestry is now progressively rolling out stage 2 of Sideview, which extends this analysis to all our matches. In effect, the new phasing will tell us whether most of our our matches come from our mother or from our father. And that makes identifying all those pesky matches a little bit easier. Watch your results pages as the new feature is rolled out.
NOTE: Ancestry DNA tests are on sale until 22 November, reduced from $129 to $89.
Work on the Comprehensive Subject Index (CSI) continues. For those unfamiliar with this project, it's aim is to create a single digital index for the books on the shelves of our Bellerive library. The process starts when a photocopy of the index included in a publication is given to one of our volunteers, who then transcribes that document into a specially formatted Excel spreadsheet. When completed, these files are returned for proofreading. The relevant book is also checked to see whether it contains anything significant which wasn't included in its original index; photographs, for example, are often overlooked. After adding any entries that seem appropriate, the revised spreadsheet is then uploaded to our Access database, which is available to the public on our website, also on a dedicated computer in our library.